Brilliant Light Power (BLP) has developed a high-temperature capable dual injector type SunCell comprising a photovoltaic (PV) window that does not metalize over. This technology.. Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of 250 kW continuous steam output.

BlackLight Power From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills' assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known

BlackLight Power CEO Randell Mills with the fuel cell he says turns water into power. Big energy seeks green solutions. More Videos. Quick Vote. When it comes to investing my money, I most trust: ...

The technology was developed by Randall Mills, whose special talents manifested while still a graduate student in physics at Harvard, when he made a discovery in 1989 while exploring a foundational question in physics about why an …

However, Randell Mills, founder of Blacklight Power and author of The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics is another controversial figure in the business of alternative energy. An article in NY Times described in 2008 how Mills had kept plugging on and getting $60 million in venture funding despite his theories being first rejected and ...

Mills, a Harvard-trained medical doctor and founder of the New Jersey-based technology start-up BlackLight Power Inc., was awarded a U.S. patent February 15 covering his claim to producing energy ...

As of 1999, Randell Mills ran a company called Blacklight Power, Inc. in Cranbury, NJ (near Princeton, NJ). Mills has allegedly attracted large sums of venture capital, but is evidently actively seeking more money by promoting his work, possibly here at WP, and apparently despite a notable lack of replicable achievements.

Randell L. Mills, M.D. is a dairy farmer's son who purports to have invented "the new fire" by debunking quantum mechanics and, in the process producing the book, Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics. Scientists say he's a kook if not a con artist who has been promising a Duke Nukem Forever energy revolution for decades, with some accusing him of …

te Dr. Randell Mills, gelernter Harvard-Mediziner mit Elektrotechnikstudium am MIT, sein Theoriegebäude in ei-nem selbst verlegten Buch von über 1000 Seiten 5. Seitdem ist er Vor-standsvorsitzender, Präsident und Geschäftsführer des von ihm gegrün-deten Unternehmens "BlackLight Power". Er glaubt, ein Verfahren

The continuing incredible adventures of Dr Randell Mills. David Pearce Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - patents, perpetual motion. Following on from their earlier unsuccessful attempts (see the IPKat's earlier post here ), US company Blacklight Power has now failed to persuade the UK Patent Office of the validity of the theory behind their patent ...

Corresponding Author. Randell L Mills. BlackLight Power, Inc., 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ, 08512 USA. Correspondence: R. Mill, BlackLight Power, Inc., 493 Old ...

Randell L. Mills is the founder of Brilliant Light Power (previously called BlackLight Power), a company trying to generate useful energy by catalyzing transitions of hydrogen into the "hydrino state", i.e. an alleged state of hydrogen with a lower energy than the 1s state. The existence of this state is justified by Mills early on in his 1800-page tome, The …

Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP), formerly BlackLight Power, Inc. of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills' assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state .

The system is closed except that only hydrogen consumed in forming hydrinos needs to be replaced," said Dr. Randell Mills, Chairman, CEO and President of BlackLight Power, Inc. "The observed energy gain and successful thermal regeneration of the solid fuel show the feasibility of using the solid fuel in a recycled manner as a replacement ...

Mills's detractors recently succeeded in convincing the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to revoke a patent issued on Feb. 15 to his company, BlackLight Power, Inc. of Cranbury, N.J. BlackLight ...

Brilliant Light Power (formerly Blacklight Power) is the privately held company founded by Dr. Randell Mills to commercialize inventions and intellectual property that are derived from his Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUTCP).

BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) announced a major breakthrough in clean energy technology, which experts agree holds tremendous promise for a …

[Mills'] company, BlackLight Power Inc., formed in 1991, expects to receive in January patents on the energy and chemicals, which Mills says derive from the "shrinking" of the hydrogen atom's orbitsphere. BlackLight Power, with a research staff of 25, will submit its findings to premier scholarly journals by that time, he adds.

"This is decisive evidence of the existence of hydrinos as Dr. Randell Mills theoretically predicted," the BlackLight Power press release said. Hydrinos are a fractional element of hydrogen that skeptics in the world of quantum physics previously said could not exist. "This is smoking-gun evidence of the existence of hydrinos," Dr. Mills said.

BlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications such as thermal, electrical, automotive, marine, rail, …

U.S. Patent 6,024,935 has been granted to Dr. Randell Mills and his company, BlackLight Power, Inc. The patent is unusually large with 60 pages and 499 claims. The patent is for Lower-Energy Hydrogen Methods and Structure. Dr. Randell Mills discovered in early 1989 that the hydrogen

Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP), formerly BlackLight Power, Inc. of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills' assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state.

Brilliant Light Power | Brilliant Light Power has developed a new commercially competitive, non-polluting, plasma-based primary source of massive power from the conversion of hydrogen atoms of water molecules to dark matter, the previously unidentified matter that makes up most of the mass of the universe.

Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP), formerly BlackLight Power, Inc. of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills' assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state.

BlackLight Power, Inc 493 Edinburg Road - East Windsor, NJ 08512 Work: (609) 490-1090 - Fax: (609) 490-1089 General Inquiries - staff@blacklightpower. Contact Dr. Randell L. Mills - RMills@blacklightpower. Contact William R. Good - WGood@blacklightpower . Last Updated 1/9/99

MILLS RANDELL L. Assignee: BLACKLIGHT POWER INC (US) Date: Priority . 2012/05/21. This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent AU-2018202381-A1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes.

In this piece, he also touches on some principles of chemistry, as well as the work of Prof. Piantelli, Dr. Randell Mills of BlackLight Power and some well-respected German chemists that you may or may not be aware of. Once again, I cannot vouch for this material in terms of its industrial utility, but the information has been well-researched ...

BlackLight has already attracted more than $20 million in private investment to back its proprietary chemical process. According to Mills, this process has generated energy far in excess of that ...

power fuel cell source energy Prior art date Application number PCT/US2014/032584 Other languages French (fr) Inventor Randell MILLS Original Assignee Blacklight Power, Inc. Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.

A man named Randell Mills claims that his company, Blacklight Power, has produced a prototype power generator which only uses tiny amounts of water as fuel, gives off very little waste, yet produces a thousand times more heat than conventional fuel. The key, he says, is a form of hydrogen atom called a "hydrino," comprised […]

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